Sujet : Exploiting ip address | | Posté le 28-11-2009 ŕ 09:45:07
| Exploiting ip address IP ADDRESS STANDS for internet protocol address. your ip address is d unique address on vch data r sent 2 you. ur internet service provider make hisself sure dt datas r going 2 u bcoz he is sending data on d address specialy assigned 2 you. getting ur own ip address----> click on start,go on run,open run type cmd hit enter a command prompt vl appear write der netstat -n nd hit enter a list vl appear..look at local address .d first local address is ur ip address. d second method 2 get ur ip address is open on dis site u may easily know ur ip address. writing netstat is more good dis command tells about all ip address vch r connected 2 u dis moment. memorize dis small list ftp---->21 smtp--->25 dns---->53 http--->80 https---->81 pop3---->110 telnet--->23 these r port no.s. TRACING IP ADDRESS-------> i know many of u know dis thing,tracing some1 but i vl tell u here many new nd exiting ways. let's start. first of all,vat is d need we have 2 trace any1? see,suppose dt u vant 2 hack anywebsite or 2 any person then d most imp. thing is 2 get his ip address. untill d moment u vl nt be knowing his id address how can u do anything? here i vl teach u only tracing ip address. attacks vl come in future. let's start ,be prepared 4 knowing many new ways 2 trace any1. click on start>run>type cmd>hit enter write tracert websitename hit enter now some information vl come automatically u vl see written der "tracing route 2 wensite name[ip address of d website]" nd then many more things. yes nw u successfully got d ip address of d is really very easy. d line vch i hv written vl be d first line automatically came nd in dt first line u may see d ip address of d in second line u vl see written. over a maximum hops of 30 explanation of hopes nd dis thing------------>see,wenever u open any website u just send some data 2 dt website 4 vch dt website replies u nd den u send some data gain nd dis process continues ,nw suppose dt after of writing tracert ,ur data packets reached 2 ,now google vl try 2 reply u,bcoz google is a very big website ,it take help of many servers ,replies 4m google vl come 4m dese servers . now look at ur command prompt.der u can see written tracing vd a maximum of 30 u r getting ip address of d servers 4m vch datas r processing 2 u . here u vl see * dis sign in some places,here they have fixed firewall,so dt u cann't attack easily. written * means der is a firewall,bcoz tracing any1 is very easy,der4 de webmaster fix some firewalls so dt no1 ud be able 2 attack on dem properly. i think u ppl r geting me. A GENERAL MISCOnCEPTION------> I KNOW DIS THING IS NT RELATED 2 IP ADDRESS bt it is very much essential 2 tell here ,see most of u think on internet we cann't get highly sensitive information..dis is nt true.on internet many person has posted rapidshare accounts vch u need very much bt d problem is u donno where it is?d same thing is vch other things also.on internet many ppl has written many highly secret things about a website bt we donno dt . here all u have 2 make urself clear that on internet u can get highly informative topics also.oki? let's moov 2 our original place. see, nslookup command wen u applied , u may see written der .u r nt authentized 2 dis route. is der something wrtten like it? i know der u can think d importaince of dis command. now 4 getting ip address nd 4 getting many sensitive information about a website u may also use these websites. open nd open nd open on these websites just enter d name of any website nd dis website vl give u each nd every inforamtion about dt website.u may also write down here any ip address nddese sites vl tell u each nd every thing about dt website. it is really very cool....plz open al d websites nd try 2 get d inforamtion of nd nd ur college's website.u may easily know ur college is taking who's help 2 give u internet . u may also know wen a website has been made nd each nd everything about dt website. try on orkut nd google nd ur clg website now. confused gathering information is d first job of a hacker.untill d moment u vl nt be aware about each nd everyting about a website or about a ip address u cann't do anything...der is a name of gathering information thing and dt isreconnaisance i think on a website now u ppl easily can do reconnaisance. it all was about tracing a website nd 4 gathering inforamtion about a website . now jump 2 learn how 2 trace a person. mind it till now u did trace onlu a website. tracing a person is also isvery easy. see, first of all we will learn 2 trace a person who has sent u a mail thenwards we vl learn 2 trace a person vd whom u r doing chatting. TRACING A PERSON WHO HAS SENT U AN E-MAIL open ur mail box ,open any e click on reply .now click on show original. view whole d data written u may find dt person's ip show original column u may find dt person ip address but if some1 has sent u mail 4m then u cann't get his ip address 4m dis mehod. actually gmail uses https[secured=s] there4 u cann't get his id addres. but there is an way 2 trace g mail also.wait i am writing. now dis trick is 4 tracing gmail,yahoomail,hotmail nd 4 all mail services. 4m dis technique[vch i am going 2 write down]u can trace all email's ip address. first of all open register der. now wenever u vl be needing to trace any1 then compose a mail 2 him nd in email to section write victim' nd send him d mail.wen he vl read ur mail ,a mail 2 ur readnotify wil go automatically nd by opening ur readnotify account der u can see dt person' ip adderess. actually readnotify sends an automatic generated image vd ur mail nd dis hidden image gives u victim's ip address. dis technique is very good. HOT SHOT---------------->AFTER OF TRACING A PERSON 4 KNOWING WHERE HE IS,ND 4 KNOWING IN VCH COUNTRY IN VCH STATE ND IN VCH CITY HE IS? JUST OPEN here on dis website put d ip address of dt person nd u vl get 2 know his physical appearance.dis thing is also possible 4m telnet bt leave dt .dt is very complicated. ---------------------->TRACING A PERSON VD WHOM U R CHATTING<----------------- well, if u r chatting vd a person then simpally ask his ip address if he tels then its ok. bt vat if he does nt tell?hehehe LOLZ anyway see,here r some cases.some different cases nd u must hv 2 do different operation vd different massengers. wait i am writing. well, in dis section first of all i ud like 2 remind u d working method of netsta -n command vch i wrote previously. netstat command gives u d information of all the communication vch u r doing vd internet.i mean,suppose dt if u r connected 2 orkut nd g mail nd any porn site at a single instant then netstat tells u about all they 3 server's ip address. this moment there r many massengers vch ppl use ,,,4 example--->icq massaneger,msn,yahoo massenger,g talk massenger nd many more ,ppl also use some sites like 2 use masenger. now der r some cases -------------------->CASE [1]<------------------------ if u r chatting 2 some1 on icq massenger then here is d working method of icq massenger you------>ur freind ur freind---->you well,this thing makes very easy 2 trace some1 while chating on icq massenger,wen u r chatting vd him then b4 of starting chatting just open run type cmd hite enter nd write netstat -n mind it ,till now u hv nt done started chatting vd him,now many ip address will come,simpally note down them somewhere, now start chatting vd him, nd while chatting vd him again open run,type cmd hit enter nd type netsta -n now u vl see,a new id address. bingo,now u hv got d ip address of ur freind. ------------------->CASE [2]<---------------------- CHATTING ON YAHOO,MSN,G TALK MASSENGER these massengers works in dis way, you------->massenger's server------>ur freind if u vl do d previous operation then u vl find massenger's ip addres. here,u may use social eengineering, social eenginering is d next chapter bt here a small introduction. social eengineering mans making some1 fool nd hacking him, in dis masenger case[mind it most of d massenger follow dis way]simpally say ur freind 2 send a file or 2 recieve a file,if he agrred then just do previous operation. when he vl send u d file then it vl nt come thru massenger ,it vl directly come 2 u nd by writing netstat -n,u may find 1 more ip address dt is of ur freind. or der's a 1 more method,u may say him 2 mail you or write a mail 2 him nd use readnotify thing,vch i told previously nd now wen he vl send u mail or wen he vl reply 4 ur mail,u can get his ip address. confused --------------------->CASE [3]<------------------------- TRACING SOME1 WHILE CHATTING ON MEEBO.COM TYPE ONLINE MASSENGERS. , here's no method 2 trace him apart of saying him 2 send a mail 2 you or u may send him a mail nd wen he vl reply u vl get or u may say him 2send u a file. dt's it. well, tracing some1 is nt a big job nd u can do it very easy. well, der r some more commands 2 find ur id address nd der r many more things about ip address,der r 4 different types of ip addresses, der is subnet id nd hostid named things exits,u can open a website by writing dt ip address only in d url nd der r some hexatransFer,qustra transfer named things also exits but trust me de things r of no use. u may get each nd every information abour ur ip address by doing dis open run ->type cmd write ipconfig/all dis will tell u ur smtp,dhcp information nd many things,writing only ipconfig in command prompt vl also give u many information nd writing inconfig/series will also give bt netstat is fine. only ipconfig/all is a good syntax 2 give u ur onw all informations |